Lost & found

Lost and found items waiting to be collected. Photo: Apelöga/Öresundståg

Öresundståg does not have its own lost and found department. All lost items that are found on board by our staff is turned over to the third parties below.

Found in Sweden and Denmark

If you have forgotten something on board an Öresund train, you first need to register your forgotten items and your contact details with Sodexo, who will then contact you when they receive your items.

Register here.

There you can also read about routines, find contact details and other information.

Delivery takes place at Sodexo's offices in Gothenburg, Malmö, Karlskrona, Kalmar and Copenhagen. Sodexo also offers you to have the lost property sent to the desired address for a fee. Lost property collection is available at Kinagatan 7 in Malmö and Kruthusgatan 1 in Gothenburg. In Kalmar there is a delivery point at Stationsgatan 5 and in Karlskrona at Blekingegatan 6. In Copenhagen there is a delivery point at Vesterbrogade 37.

Opening hours:

  • Malmö: non-holiday Monday – Friday 12:00-16:00. Saturday 12:00-16:00.
  • Gothenburg: non-holiday Monday – Friday 12:00-16:00
  • Karlskrona: non-holiday Monday, Wednesday, Friday 13:00-17:00
  • Kalmar: non-holiday Monday, Friday 10:30-17:00, non-holiday Wednesdey 12:30-19:00
  • Copenhagen: non-holiday Monday, Wednesday 13:00-17:00, non-holiday Tuesday, Thursday 14:00-18:00, non-holiday Friday, Saturday 10:00-14:00

Replacement traffic

If you forgot something on board the replacement bus or other replacement vehicle, please email: hittegods.st@nobina.se 

Additional information

In retrospect, it can be difficult to know where an object may have been found in Sweden. We therefore recommend that you also make a report to the Police via Polisen.se or on +46 114 14.

If you lost valuables in Denmark, contact the police district where you think you lost the valuables.

As the handling of lost property is carried out on a contract basis, we at Öresundståg have no way of checking whether an item has been found, handed in or registered. It is also not possible to search for objects before they have been received by one of the lost property departments above.